Other Products

Other products available include:

Axe Covers

Leads and training leads are available in leather and nylon

Dog or other animal collars/Harnesses

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Custom Made dog cart harness for a very happy customer. Available in black or brown with your choice of decorations.

pig harness

Why walk your Pig with string?


Much Better!


Happy Beebee the Pig


Large harness from $250


Miniature pony bridles

Shown here are some examples of these exquisite hand made bridles that Alison has recently completed.

bridle flat noseband

Hand stitched plain English Leather miniature bridle. Available in black or brown. Starting price $350.

bridle rolled

Hand stitched English Leather miniature bridle with rolled noseband. Starting price from $375.

bridle rolled front

Close up of rolled nose band.

In hand show leads available

For more information, please contact us.